Mittwoch, 9. November 2016

Hansa Market URL

                                     Hansa Market URL

Hansa Market url:


Thats blog just a blog about hansa market to show the link,i dont wont people to consum or buy illegal products

Withdraw bitcoins to buy there,normal take it about 1 hour until you can use the coins

Buying on hansa market:
Buy with escrow whiche meen your coins stay with hansa market until you have get your item,without the vendor gets your coins same time.Just do without when the vendors have a good feedback

Its safe payment service that allow it to pay when your product arrive

You can buy products like software, services, fraud, counterfied, drugs ....

Remember to visit hansa marketplace you do have to use Tor, Tor is a its a special internet browser whiche useful to surf anonym in web,hansa or any other market to visit with that browser not with others,check every vendor, item and else perfect before you go to buying anything, because with good rating a vendor sends always what you pay